Bert Kreischer has made a name for himself as a body-positive comedian whose signature move became ripping off his shirt during live performances. After humorously referring to himself as the "white Lizzo," Kreischer revealed he is very comfortable in his skin and is in good shape despite his size.

During his appearance on the popular YouTube podcast "Chrissy Choas," Kreischer and the podcast host Chris Distefano touched on various topics, including the comedian's self-confidence.

"I think I look good. I legit do not see my flaws," Kreischer said before revealing that he felt more comfortable performing shirtless. "You're our Lizzo," Distefano said before the room exploded in laughter. "White Lizzo," Kreischer humorously responded.

Why Does Bert Kreischer Take His Shirt off on Shows?

During an interview, Kreischer shared that he started taking his shirt off as a way to remind himself to have fun. The comedian recalled having a few beers before taking off his shirt, hopping on stage, and ensuring he and the audience had a good time.

Kreischer recalled when he removed his shirt during a performance in Columbus, and after 15 minutes, he realized he had not put his shirt back on. When he moved to grab his shirt from the mic stand and redress himself, Kreischer heard a lady in the crowd call out, "Keep it off."

When the rest of the audience encouraged him to continue performing shirtless, Kreischer completed his set without a top. After jumping off the stage, Kreischer ran into an admired fellow comedian who told him, "Hey man, I couldn't do one joke with my shirt off. You just did an hour with your shirt off."

Kreischer has since gone on to have a popular podcast and Netflix series, "The Cabin with Bert Kreischer," which featured Caitlyn Jenner. And despite misconceptions about his body, Kreischer shared that he is in good shape despite his physique.

"I am an amazing athlete for someone my size," he said before sharing that his swing in golf is above the average speed. In 2018, Bert Kreischer trained rigorously for this first triathlon and said, "I rode my bike to the pool, I swam at the pool. I then ran two miles, three miles around the track—and I did not lose a pound."

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His Netflix series also documents the other unconventional ways the comedian keeps fit, which include smashing watermelons and plunging in freezing water.

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